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Schuman Day Townhall (political discussion)
Monday, 9. May 2022, 06:00pm - 08:00pm
Hits : 122
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Dear parents and students of Secondary,
We would like to invite you to a student-led townhall event that will take place on May 9th, from 18h00-20h00 in the Aula of the European School RheinMain. The townhall event itself will be hosted and moderated by our students in the German language. It will involve a question-and-answer format taking place between the students of Politics and Philosophy and our local City Council members.
Our panel consists of Jumas Medoff (IBF), Michael Weber (CDU), Friederike von Franque (Grüne), Dr. Daniela Mehler-Würzback (Linke) and Julian Langner (FDP), all from the Frankfurt City Council; Clemens Brest (Grüne) from the Bad Vilbel City Council and Tobias Utter (CDU) from the Hessen State Parliament.
We are hoping to make this a memorable and enlightening experience. In the Social Sciences department, we look to push our students to become involved in their community. We also encourage them to engage with others in order to gain a greater perspective on any issues that they are passionate about.

We look forward to welcoming you!

Kind regards
Dr. Daniella Schmitt
Head of Secondary

cc. Tom Zijlstra
Location Aula